Sunday, November 25, 2012

How Can Human Impact on the Louisiana Wetlands be Improved?

     As aforementioned, the Louisiana Wetlands have suffered greatly over the last few decades due to human impact.  Humans have set out on urban, agricultural, and residential development without ever considering the negative effect that it would have on the wetlands.  Because of this, one of the major ways to diminish human impact on the ecosystem is to impart knowledge on the general American population about how the ecosystem benefits Louisiana's residents as well as the rest of country's population.  However, preventing human impact is not enough; the Louisiana Wetlands need not only be preserved, they must also be restored.  Aside from human impact, there are natural cycles that cause the disappearance of wetlands.  In order to restore the ecosystem, government projects like the Coast 2050 must be enforced.  The Coast 2050 is a plan that combines all previous and new efforts of wetland restoration.  Its ultimate goal is, "to sustain a coastal ecosystem that supports and protects the environment, economy and culture of southern Louisiana, and that contributes greatly to the economy and well-being of the nation" (Coast 2).  Along with the Coast 2050, the Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act from 1990 is still active and working towards the slowing of wetland loss, developing and utilizing restoration techniques, among other things.  As long as these groups continue to work towards wetland restoration, the Louisiana Wetlands have a chance at survival and prosperity. 

(Picture Source 1)

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